How Can I Safely Pull My Child’s Loose Tooth?

January 4, 2024

child at dentist

As your child’s baby teeth begin to loosen, it can be an exciting time as they anticipate a visit from the tooth fairy. However, if a tooth hangs around for too long, it can become bothersome. While it’s crucial not to force a tooth out prematurely, there are safe ways to assist its natural removal when it’s ready. Read on to discover some gentle methods recommended by your child’s pediatric dentist to help your child safely remove a loose tooth.

When Is It Okay for My Child’s Loose Tooth to Be Pulled?

Before attempting to extract your child’s tooth, it’s essential to ensure that it is already very loose or hanging loosely from the socket. If it’s only slightly wobbly or causes pain when touched, it may indicate that the roots haven’t dissolved sufficiently. In such cases, it’s best to wait longer until it can be safely removed.

What Are Some Techniques My Child Can Try to Remove a Loose Tooth?

If your child possesses sufficient motor skills and is expressing discomfort with a tooth that appears ready to come out, here are some methods you can encourage them to attempt:

  • Wiggle the tooth out: Encourage your child to wiggle their tooth using their tongue or fingers until it comes out of the socket. If they use their hands, ensure they’ve washed them beforehand to minimize introducing bacteria to the mouth. By gently wiggling the tooth, they can loosen it further, facilitating painless removal.
  • Chew on hard foods: Motivate your child to consume hard, nutritious foods such as carrots, pears, and apples. These foods not only aid in keeping teeth clean but also help further loosen the wiggly tooth, potentially facilitating its natural removal.
  • Use ice: While it’s generally advised against chewing ice due to the potential harm it can cause to teeth, ice can serve as a numbing agent before attempting to extract a tooth. This can help ease the process by reducing pain and making it more manageable.

What If My Child Needs Me to Pull Their Loose Tooth?

Before assisting your child in pulling out their tooth, begin by thoroughly washing your hands. Gently wiggle the tooth back and forth using a clean tissue to ensure it’s loose enough for removal. If necessary, a slight twisting motion may be required to dislodge the tooth.

If your child appears apprehensive or anxious before the extraction, consider employing calming techniques such as distracting them with a song or story, reassuring them that it won’t hurt. Proceed slowly while speaking to them in a soothing tone. If there’s minor bleeding, apply pressure with a clean gauze pad. Check for any remaining baby tooth fragments and look out for the emerging adult tooth.

When You Should Call the Dentist

If there’s redness or excessive pain, contact your child’s dentist to check for infection. Then, enjoy the fun part: your child can place the tooth under their pillow for the tooth fairy to exchange it for a cash prize!

About the Practice

Children losing their teeth is an exciting milestone, but it’s essential to let them fall out naturally. If you’re unsure whether a tooth is ready to come out, consult your child’s dentist for guidance on preparing for their adult teeth. With a team of general dentists, pediatric dentists, orthodontists, oral surgeons, and prosthodontists available, Sprout Dentistry for Kids of Allen offers comprehensive dental care. Whether you need advice on tooth readiness or want to schedule a checkup after a tooth loss, call (469) 663-0098 or visit their website.