When Should My Child Start Wearing a Mouthguard?

February 22, 2024

young girl wearing mouthguard

Protecting your child’s growing smile is essential, especially when engaging in contact and non-contact sports and activities. It’s too easy for a tooth to be knocked out or become cracked, which is why many pediatric dentists recommend custom mouthguards. Keep reading to find out when you should consider one of these appliances for your child so that their mouth remains better protected.

Is There a Specific Age Children Need to Start Wearing Mouthguards?

It’s not about age that defines when a child should begin wearing a custom mouthguard. Instead, it’s about when they decide to start playing sports and engaging in more physical activities.

Sports such as football, baseball, basketball, volleyball, hockey, soccer, boxing, and even skateboarding can put your child’s smile at risk of serious damage if it is not properly protected.

Generally, more aggressive playing occurs as your child gets older; however, even though they may be playing T-ball, they still need a custom mouthguard.

Why Are Custom Mouthguards Better Than the Store-Bought Kind?

There are several different options for athletes to choose from when considering a mouthguard. There is the boil-and-bite, which involves taking the moldable material and placing it in boiling water before allowing it to cool just enough to bite down and create an impression.

Although it is significantly cheaper and somewhat easy to use, they are not fully customized to your child’s mouth and lack the complete protection their smile needs.

The other option is a custom-made mouthguard from a dentist’s office. Using digital impressions taken of your child’s smile, a dental lab will craft the mouthguard so that it fits correctly and comfortably. Not only will this device ensure that your child keeps it in throughout the duration of the game, but it will also offer maximum protection, helping to absorb any excessive pressure placed on their teeth and gums.

Can Mouthguards Be Worn with Braces?

Yes, if your child has braces, you can still have a custom mouthguard created for them. These can be designed so that they fit comfortably and snugly over your child’s orthodontic appliances, allowing for maximum protection.

Mouthguards can minimize the risk of damage to your child’s braces as well as harm to their teeth and gums as a result of braces breaking or scratching these areas while playing sports.

Safeguard your child’s smile with a custom mouthguard. With the help of these custom devices, they can enjoy a fully intact set of teeth that don’t require a sudden trip to the emergency dentist’s office.

About the Authors
Dr. Justin Chan and Dr. Sage Yoo are board-certified pediatric dentists and fathers. As the experts at Sprout Dentistry for Kids in Allen, they see children with dental emergencies all the time. With many of these cases being the result of sports-related injuries, they encourage parents and children to seek custom mouthguards for added protection. Designed to safeguard against hard hits, they are highly effective and safe to use. If you would like your child to be equipped with a custom mouthguard, visit our website or call (469) 663-0098.