Sprout Dentistry for Kids Blog

Starting Early: 3 Reasons to Schedule a Dental Checkup for Your Child

July 11, 2024

little boy undergoing a dental checkup

The average timeframe for a child’s first tooth to erupt is between 6 and 12 months. By the time they reach the age of 3, all 20 primary teeth should be in place. While it’s not uncommon for many parents to begin bringing their child in to see a dentist at this age, many professionals recommend starting the process even earlier. Read on to discover three reasons why bringing your child in for a dental checkup early on is beneficial to their oral and overall health.


Teething Troubles: Top Tips for Soothing Your Baby’s Pain

June 14, 2024

Baby teething on a toy

Is your child becoming more drooly and unruly? They might have started teething! This is a significant milestone in your baby’s development, but it can also be a challenging time for both infants and parents. As new teeth push through their tender gums, it can lead to discomfort and irritability. If you want tips on dealing with teething troubles, continue reading. You’ll find expert advice to help soothe your baby’s teething pain and make it far more manageable for you.


When’s the Right Time to Start Taking Your Child to the Dentist?

June 6, 2024

Baby with teeth erupting

As a parent to a young child, life is full of uncertainties. It can be difficult to know what you can expect as your child is working toward so many milestones at once. One big question is: when should you start taking your child to the dentist? Continue reading to learn when the right time is, how to prepare, and what you can anticipate in the next few years.


What Are Some Common Oral Health Problems for Children with Special Needs?

May 17, 2024

Child's mouth is examined

Teaching proper oral hygiene to a child with special needs can be quite a challenging task. In many cases, a child’s dental care will fall behind more pressing medical issues, and some children have sensory challenges that can make it difficult to establish a proper oral hygiene routine. This can make certain dental issues more common in children with special needs. Here are a few oral health problems children with disabilities are more likely to experience and a few tips for dealing with them.


Incoming! Here’s Why It’s Important to Wear a Mouthguard for Summer Sports

May 13, 2024

Dentist gives mouthguard

Summer is a time for adventure and excitement, and many kids find these things by playing sports. While sports are an excellent way for kids to have fun while exercising and learning teamwork, they can also lead to oral injuries if the right precautions are not taken. Here’s how summer sporting activities can harm your child’s smile and how a customized mouthguard from your pediatric dentist can keep their teeth in great shape.


Oral Healthcare for Young Smiles: 5 Common Dental Treatments for Kids

April 22, 2024

young boy at the dentist’s office

Young smiles need the same high-quality care as adults. While their teeth, bones, and facial structure are still growing, they are still susceptible to cavities, gum disease, and other similar oral health issues. Whether you’re still looking for a pediatric dentist or not, knowing what kind of services are offered to kids is important. Read on to discover five of the most common dental treatments your child might receive to keep their smile looking and feeling its best.


4 Questions to Ask Your Child’s Dentist About a Baby Root Canal

April 11, 2024

little girl smiling

You want your child’s smile to be as healthy as possible. That is why you maintain regular dental checkups and teeth cleanings for them every six months. However, as diligent as you might be in making sure they brush, floss, and properly care for their teeth, problems can arise that you may not expect. If an infection forms in a particular tooth, even at an early age, they may be required to undergo what is known as a baby root canal. Read on to learn more about this treatment and what questions you should ask when meeting with their dentist.


What Sports Your Child Should Wear a Mouthguard For

March 15, 2024

child wearing mouthguard

Youth sports are getting more popular in America, with about 20-25 million kids taking part. But with more participation comes more chances of getting hurt. Surprisingly, over 35% of injuries among kids happen during sports activities. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), about 10-20% of these injuries affect the face and jaw area. That’s where sports mouthguards, also called sportsguards, come in handy. Keep reading to find out why they’re important for preventing injuries in sports.


When Should You Buy Your Child an Electric Toothbrush?

March 4, 2024

child using an electric toothbrush

Are you worried about how your child brushes and flosses and thinking about trying an electric toothbrush? Good oral hygiene is important for your child’s dental health, and electric toothbrushes can help. You might wonder when to switch from a manual to an electric toothbrush. Switching to an electric toothbrush can make brushing easier and more effective for kids. Read on to learn about the benefits of electric toothbrushes for children and why they might be a great addition to their oral care routine.


When Should My Child Start Wearing a Mouthguard?

February 22, 2024

young girl wearing mouthguard

Protecting your child’s growing smile is essential, especially when engaging in contact and non-contact sports and activities. It’s too easy for a tooth to be knocked out or become cracked, which is why many pediatric dentists recommend custom mouthguards. Keep reading to find out when you should consider one of these appliances for your child so that their mouth remains better protected.
