Tips for Parents About Their Child’s Two-Year Molars

February 4, 2023

mom comforting upset toddler

Hearing “the terrible twos” probably sends chills down the spine of many parents. How familiar are you with a toddler getting their two-year molars? These four teeth are the last baby teeth to arrive for a child, and they can be responsible for what parents and toddlers alike feel is the most unpleasant segment of teething. To help you and your little one through it, read on as a pediatric dentist in Allen discusses signs that two-year molars are erupting, shares tips for pain management, and points out when it’s warranted to promptly schedule an appointment.

What Are Indications of Two-Year Molars?

A child’s second molars usually erupt between 20-33 months old. They are the furthest set of back teeth until the arrival of adult wisdom teeth in a person’s late teens or twenties.

Though some children actually may not show signs of discomfort, general symptoms of two-year molars arriving include sleep being interrupted, constant chewing on objects, frequent drooling, and gums that are sore and irritated. Even as some children progress through this stage with little issue, there may be an evident change in your toddler’s moods. After all, it can be very uncomfortable.

How Can You Soothe Your Child’s Discomfort?

Cold items are helpful to numb the pain of your little one’s cutting gums. You can put a wet washcloth in the freezer to cool it off and let your child chew it. Similarly, a wet piece of cool gauze directly on their gums can feel pleasant.

You could massage their gums with your finger or rub a cold spoon on their gums while preventing them from chewing on it, of course. Healthy foods that are hard and crunchy, like cucumbers, apples, and carrots, are solid options to apply pressure on the gums and reduce discomfort.

Always consider medications to be a last resort. Then, you should call their pediatrician to get approval. Tylenol will most likely be recommended.

When to Seek Professional Help

Again, a call should be made to your toddler’s doctor if you consider giving them medication for their teething pain. The time to schedule an appointment as soon as possible would be if they could benefit from a medical exam while battling persistent diarrhea or fever. 

If you already had a prescheduled appointment with their pediatric dentist that just so happens to align with their two-year molar struggles, that could be a helpful source of information. Also, if your toddler seems persistently uncomfortable and upset when their two-year molars are erupting with no calmer periods, you could consider making a pediatric dental appointment.

You are now more aware of some ways to help your teething toddler at home, but always remember your child’s dental and medical teams are ready to help you navigate the process as needed. Take solace in the fact these are your child’s last incoming baby teeth.

About the Author

Dr. Justin Chan has been working hard for the little smiles of the DFW Metroplex for a decade. He earned his dental doctorate from New York University. Dr. Chan is a member of the American Dental Association and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. He and fellow dentist Dr. Sage Yoo look forward to helping you and your toddler safely navigate the arrival of their two-year molars and everything else related to their developing smile. You can schedule an appointment on their website or call (469) 663-0098.